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Meet your Stylist 

My name is  Amira A. Abdulraheem. Growing up in Nigeria natural 4c hair was all I knew, before the transition to college I thought it best to learn basic braiding and haircare tips as a means of earning fluid income while studying in the United Kingdom. At age 15 I gained employment at a salon owned by a group of women who had over 20 experience. 3 months of learning braiding skills from braids, twists and locs. Weeks into living in the UK I gained employment and worked part-time for 2 years in an eccentric Jamaican salon in Brighton amongst other jobs. My love for hair quickly grew as I worked with multiple kinds of hair textures. 

2014 I cut off all my hair. This process gave me a new found respect for natural hair growth process  and the steps required to care for it not just making it looking good and tucking it away there was more to it.. Years of experimenting and working with multiple products, oils and treatments I was able to combine techniques and ingredients that promote hair growth, strength and its overall health. Graduated with BSc in Architectural technology and moved to the States. After 10 years of working part time in the hair industry the transition to Los Angeles drove me back deeper into the hair service beyond part time bases. Seeing the need for natural hair services that retain the health and integrity of clients hair is what my business strives to achieve in everyone who seats in my chair. The Goal is showing my clients that their Braids, locs, natural hair, weaves and twists can be seen as elegant, upscale, accessible to all hair textures.  

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